1: using System;
2: using System.Collections.Generic;
3: using System.Linq;
4: using System.Text;
5: using System.Threading;
6: using System.Threading.Tasks;
8: namespace ConsoleThreadTests
9: {
10: class ThreadTest9
11: {
12: static void Main() // The Task class is in System.Threading.Tasks
13: {
14: const int MaxThreads = 10;
15: const int ProcessesToRun = 50;
17: Dictionary<int, Task<string>> x = new Dictionary<int, Task<string>>();
18: int WorkIndex = 0; // incremented, and becomes the key to the dictionary.
19: bool Completed = false;
20: while (WorkIndex < ProcessesToRun || !Completed)
21: {
22: // retrieve any work done by completed threads.
23: int t = -1;
24: foreach (int t1 in x.Keys)
25: {
26: if (x[t1].IsCompleted || x[t1].IsCanceled || x[t1].IsFaulted)
27: {
28: t = t1;
29: if (x[t1].IsFaulted)
30: {
31: // production code here would have to handle the AggregateException in the Exception property, etc.
32: Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} on thread: {1}", x[t1].Exception.GetType().ToString(), x[t1].Exception.Message));
33: Exception e = x[t1].Exception.InnerException;
34: while (e != null)
35: {
36: Console.WriteLine(string.Format("({0}) {1}", e.GetType().ToString(), e.Message));
37: e = e.InnerException;
38: }
39: }
40: else if (x[t1].IsCompleted)
41: {
42: Console.WriteLine(x[t1].Result);
43: }
44: else
45: {
46: Console.WriteLine("CANCELLED");
47: }
48: break;
49: }
50: }
51: if (t >= 0)
52: {
53: x.Remove(t);
54: Completed = (x.Count == 0 && WorkIndex == ProcessesToRun);
55: }
56: if (WorkIndex == ProcessesToRun || x.Count == MaxThreads) continue; // done with work or threads busy. Keep looping until threads complete.
58: WorkIndex++;
59: int w = WorkIndex;
60: string sendstr = string.Format("Cumquat-{0:0#}", w);
61: Console.WriteLine(sendstr);
62: x.Add(w, Task.Factory.StartNew<string>(() => Go(sendstr, w)));
63: if (WorkIndex == ProcessesToRun)
64: {
65: Console.WriteLine (string.Format("Total Number of slots needed: {0}", x.Count));
66: }
67: }
68: Console.WriteLine("Done");
69: Console.ReadLine();
70: }
72: static string Go(string x, int i)
73: {
74: if (i == 20) throw new Exception("Handle this!");
75: string result = string.Format("{0}: {1}-- Callback", x, i % 2 == 0);
76: Console.WriteLine(result);
77: return result;
78: }
79: }
80: }