1:          private int BulkScriptIndex = 0;
   2:          private bool Pass1 = true;
   4:          public Form1()
   5:          {
   6:              InitializeComponent();
   7:              LoadScriptManifest();
   8:              if (true)  // one time action only... pre-populates the scripts to save time.
   9:              {
  10:                  timer1.Interval = 10;
  11:                  timer1.Enabled = true;
  12:              }
  13:              this.txtStatus.Text = "Select a script from the list to work with.";
  14:          }
  16:          private void BulkScriptItemConvert()
  17:          {
  18:              if (Pass1)
  19:              {
  20:                  if (BulkScriptIndex == this.lvwScriptManifest.Items.Count)
  21:                  {
  22:                      this.lvwScriptManifest.Items[0].Selected = true;
  23:                      this.lvwScriptManifest.Items[0].Focused = true;
  24:                      return;
  25:                  }
  26:                  this.lvwScriptManifest.Items[BulkScriptIndex].Selected = true;
  27:                  this.lvwScriptManifest.Items[BulkScriptIndex].Focused = true;
  28:                  Pass1 = false;
  29:                  timer1.Enabled = true;
  30:                  return;  // leave.. executes below after idle state has updated SelectedItems (etc) properties.
  31:              }
  33:              GetScript();
  34:              if (this.txtCoverted.Document.TextContent.Trim().Length == 0)
  35:              {
  36:                  ConvertScript();
  37:                  UpdateScript();
  38:              }
  39:              this.lvwScriptManifest.Items[BulkScriptIndex].Selected = false;
  40:              BulkScriptIndex++;
  41:              Pass1 = true;
  42:              timer1.Enabled = true;
  43:          }
  45:          private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
  46:          {
  47:              timer1.Enabled = false;
  48:              BulkScriptItemConvert();
  49:          }