20 Sep 2013
Of Patents and Trolls…
Isaac Asimov, the famous science-fiction writer, died not long ago. In the obituary I read about him, there was one interesting statement he was quoted as saying during his life. One day, while apparently resting in his yard, he came up with the concept of bouncing a radio signal of a man-made object in space […]
30 Aug 2013
The 5 Core System Requirements To Protect Your Sleep
I have been a software developer for over 30 years now. That includes time as a kid playing with technology, time as a student, and professional and non-professional work. Over that time I have encountered a lot of bad designs, and some good designs in systems and software. I also have, like every person in […]
14 Jul 2013
To Florida, or not to Florida: a quality of life question … maybe
I’ve been really amused over the last few months with some discussions about the best (or at least better) place to live. Currently it’s focused on the city of Pittsburgh or the Central Florida area. The debate between Florida and the rest of the country always seems to be a more heated, emotionally-intense debate. It […]
20 Feb 2013
Google It !
If you haven’t been following the technology-specific news outlets for the past two weeks, it would have been easy to overlook the news that Google has acquired the company in Florida where I work: Channel Intelligence. It’s quite a milestone. Channel Intelligence was founded in late 1999, while the tech bubble was nearing the bursting point […]
02 Feb 2013
Beer for code.. the community in Open Source
My son discovered this license statement in some code he was looking at. Daniel, I like your license: hope we get to meet you some day. /* * —————————————————————————- * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): * daniel@bimschas.com wrote this file. As long as you retain * this notice you can do whatever you want with […]
29 Apr 2011
Birthers … thanks for getting the message out.. now, are you missing it yourselves?
Donald Trump did a really fantastic thing with the Obama birth certificate debate this week, and then… what the hell !?!? It seems that the birthers have let anger get the worst of them, and it has now become an anchor sinking their cause. And they don’t even see it.. not even Donald Trump. That’s […]
28 Jan 2011
Security and common sense.. the two MUST go hand in hand.
I was using Google Maps to derive some lat/longs to show my son some examples of the results for a distance formula, and I noticed something odd. If you enter the address 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC (the White House), it will display the location on the map ( link to results ). If you […]