About Me

John J Schultz

profile for John J Schultz at Stack Overflow, Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers

My name is John J Schultz. I am a software developer who began writing code at the age of 12, and I have over 30 years of combined code development and systems experience on Windows, Linux and some other platforms now found only in antique shops, museums or even eBay. I recently worked for two years as a software engineer at Google in Pittsburgh. The bulk of my development expertise is on the Windows platform. In addition to computer programming languages, I also am fairly fluent in three foreign languages: German, Russian and French. My wife, Heidi, is a native German speaker who also speaks some French, Yugoslav and Hebrew, and studied Latin.  Because of this, our two sons and our daughter have no problem getting confused.

I am also a zymurgist, enjoying my amateur status.  You can read about my adventures with the “Yeastie Boys” in the Home Brew tab.